I’ve been reminded the past few weeks that I am not a machine and I need to be okay with getting things done in the time that I can. This blog is after all about rewilding my life, which does include living seasonally. Seasonally this far north life was full of rest and keeping warm by the fire. So, I’ve spent a lot of time reading, which in some ways is leisure and other ways it is part of my daily routine. I enjoy learning and broadening my skills so I have a mix of fiction and non-fiction that I am currently reading. That list includes Wild Freedom, Coppice and Agroforestry, The Living Soil Handbook and The Good Life.
I have also been trying to get back in the swing of life after a long recovery from a life threatening celiac reaction and shingles. So I am learning to extend grace to myself. I have a lot of goals this year, many of them involve the homesteads, my health, and then my businesses.
I hope you allow me room to grow and learn. I am not tech savvy and I don’t even learn toward interest in the area, so it is a learning curve based solely on the desire to help others and share what is working for us. So below I have updates in photos for you.
Some mostly homegrown tacos. The greens in the basement were growing well but I stopped because I needed to have room for seedlings and the hubby is making trim for the kitchen.

Soil blocks full of 240 onions of various kinds for the gardens.

I’ve been trying to drink more medicinal teas instead of coffee. This one is rose hips, rose petals, nettles and pine needles. All foraged from the woods except the rose petals. It was really delicious so I will be making this again.

Black locust seeds. I collected this last fall and then stored them in the fridge for a few months (stratification). I poured very hot water over them instead of sanding the seeds (scarification). We will see if they sprout, more details coming if they do.

I have a health related post in the works. I hope to have that up for the Zone 00 series soon. Overall, I am enjoying the slower pace of winter, but it will soon end and give way to the bustle of spring!