Is A New Year A New Beginning?
A reflection on 2023 at 4 am on January 1, 2024
Is a New Year a new Beginning? Of course it is!
I’ll be honest, I’m ready for 2024. 2023 was rough. I’m bruised, battered, beat up, defeated, and exhausted. I battled pneumonia or RSV for weeks and weeks (my doctor is not even sure), shingles, and more. There were several deaths in my immediate circle and I didn’t make some of the progress I wanted to on the land and in my personal life. BUT I endured. I made it. I got back up. I battled through illness and exhaustion. I grew from the experience and have gained some tools and resolve to become the healthiest and most productive I can be (more on that later). I saw a meme about the New Year, it said, “It’s okay if all you did was survive last year.” Thankfully I did way more than survive. Despite some of my biggest failures and my biggest obstacles I had some of my highest and most humbling experiences.
I will name just one weekend that I still have to pinch myself over. I spoke/taught at The Indiana Homestead Conference on canning (a link to see my presentation). I met Harold for the first time in person at the conference, but it felt like we were old friends (if you don’t know who Harold is, he is my co-host at The Modern Homesteading Podcast). I also met and got to share some lunch with Joel Salatin. I enjoyed a conversation with Shawn and Beth Dougherty. Amazing people who have been mentors through video and books for years, even if they don’t know it. This was a huge victory for me in overcoming using tech, I made a slideshow!! A huge victory in overcoming fear of public speaking!! And a highlight of a year that as I said above, was pretty rough.
So I guess, if your 2023 was littered with bad news and struggles, look for the nuggets of success and happiness.
IF a New Year is a new beginning, so is every single day.
When we made goals and resolutions that didn’t stick remember we have a new day, even new moments all throughout the day. Don’t let perfection be the enemy of progress when it doesn’t need to be.
Starting is progress!
Failing is progress!
When I started giving myself permission to fail that was one of the best personal breakthroughs I ever accomplished. It has allowed me to do more, experience more and be healthier and happier. I have stopped that negative self talk and instead I have started to give myself pep talks. I have accepted that failure would happen. AND that has helped me pick myself up and try again. Do I still want to quit, HECK yes (and sometimes that is the right thing to do, more on that another time).
So go out there and start 2024 by DOING and FAILING.
Go be untamable…
Hey, these are affiliate links to Amazon, I do get a bit of compensation on things you purchase once you follow that link. I do not see who purchased any items, so your privacy is still intact.
Shawn and Beth Dougherty’s The Independent Farmstead
Joel Salatin’s Polyface Micro (he has many books, this one is just geared toward a smaller scale)
Also, a link to my canning series over on The Modern Homesteading Podcast page…
We do have a membership over there if you are interested.
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